Room Temp: 90°F Duration: 60 min
Strength, precision, control, mobility, agility, in a flow format designed to keep your heart rate elevated while under infrared panels for the ultimate detox! We use our body weight as well as dumbbells, resistance bands & Pilates balls for a full-body method. This is a high energy class with upbeat music to motivate you through your entire workout. Please bring plenty of water and towels with you.

Duration: 60 min
Low impact, high intensity class that incorporates light weights (bands & balls) with high repetition moves that challenge your strength, coordination, and balance. It is a mix of barre, strength training, cardio & pilates. Expect isolated movements to fatigue the muscles and sequencing that incorporates the upper and lower body to make every minute count.
Room Temp: 90°F Duration: 60 mins
A perfect balance of heat + humidity to help detoxify and passively warm muscles. Expect an energizing flow incorporating strengthening, balancing & deep stretch. Variations are offered to help modify and intensify poses. You will need a mat, towel & plenty of water.

Duration: Varies
A creative and dynamic form of yoga that uses breath to link physical yoga postures. Each class is different and postures are sequenced in a way to help increase flexibility, strengthen and tone muscles, and allow you to tune in to your body’s own rhythm.
Duration: 60 min
A unique blend of gentle yoga, fascial release, restorative (relaxing) and yin (deep stretching) poses with guided meditation.

Room Temp: 80°F Duration: 60 min
This yoga practice allows you to ease into movement. Flows between postures are taken at an easy pace giving us time to explore those postures while cultivating strength, flexibility, balance, and a sense of calm. Perfect class for beginner Yogis.